Cleveland Heights Christian Church

Cleveland Heights Christian Church is a congregation located in the Town of Cheektowaga, a first-ring suburb of Buffalo, NY. We are affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. In addition, our Western New York churches work very closely with the Western Association of the United Church of Christ.
The congregation that became Cleveland Heights Christian Church began in 1921 as a mission on the outskirts of Buffalo, very near the city line. At that time, Sunday School classes were held in a private home. Eventually, a small mission church was built on Genesee Street, several blocks from our present site. It was during this time that the Disciples of Christ became interested in the work of this small church, and banded together to create the larger structure at its present location in 1946.
The congregation was eventually incorporated and grew. In 1960, we added a large and attractive sanctuary building. The intervening years have been productive. Our mission has expanded, and we have become a church for all people. We have recently completed extensive renovation and additions to our structure, permitting accessible facilities for Christian Education and fellowship activities.
We are a Christian community of faith, committed to welcoming and affirming all people as children of God. We believe that God calls us to celebrate each person’s uniqueness. In our church family we respect the integrity of each person’s identity, life and culture.
We publicly and actively welcome and affirm people of every age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, economic status, and family structure into the full membership, leadership, ministry and sacramental life of our congregation.
We covenant to reach out and support each other in our celebrations, sorrows, spiritual growth and personal ministries, calling forth the gifts of God in each of us.We pray that, guided by the Holy Spirit we may grow in knowledge, vigilance and sensitivity to become ever more fully the inclusive community of faith that God is calling us to be.
To read an extended church history click here.